Hats and Handlebars Proudly Supports No-Shave November

A portion of every sale during the month of November will be donated directly to No-Shave November to raise money for cancer awareness. Each day, 22,000 people die from cancer worldwide (WHO). There's a good chance that someone you know and love will be affected by this disease. Nearly half of cancer diagnoses and deaths are preventable. No-Shave November's mission is to not only raise funds for cancer research and treatment but to educate the population about preventative measures.
For over five years, participants around the globe have put down their razors and foregone their hair appointments to join the fight against cancer. The No-Shave November campaign has successfully raised over $2 million dollars to combat this disease. Every dollar raised brings us one step closer in our efforts to fund cancer research and education, help prevent the disease, and aid those fighting the battle. Each whisker grown allows us to embrace our hair, which many cancer patients lose during treatment.
HatsandHandlebars.com pledges to donate a portion of every sale in November directly to No-Shave November. If you don't make a purchase but still want to donate, please visit our donation page.